We don’t have to speak the same language to understand each other!

We are under the same sky, same winds are embracing us…

We can’t sleep as the moon grows, we dream away as the sun rises…


Sleeping through the same night but having different dreams do not make us different from each other…

What time you wake up does not matter either, because we wake up to same mornings…

Who we are and where we are is not important, we are all human.


However, if we taste a flavor filled with passion, love or ambition somewhere in the world; that makes us different…


My story beginsin Black Seathe homeland of hazelnut, which is the most precious richness of the world to me, with dreaming about exclusiveflavors to make people feel happy,and then in Ankara by chasing my dreams…


I fell asleep with dreams each and every night, and woke up in different places each morning…


Sometimes under cocoa trees in Ghana and Ecuador, sometimes in Niksar, Antep, Giresun, Malatya and Aydın among smells of pistachio, hazelnut, apricot and fig…


In each breath I took, the world was filled with the smell of coffee; Ankara and Anatolia with milk…


My heart was beating in the land of unique flavors Anatolia;in Black Sea with Rize,


I’ve spent each day and moment looking for “the most exclusive”.


I run after everything that created the smell and flavor I longed for; looking for the best chefs, high technology and the most natural products in every hidden corner…


I longed for that “Sip of Happiness” I was searching for and hoping to present it as a gift to humanity…


I began this journey as “My Story” ;yet I realized my family, children, employees, craftsmen and gourmets were chasing after the same flavor…


The love story filled with passion, happiness and ambition has become “Our Story”.


Our Story is the story of those chasing after happiness; our partners, distributors, dealers, and those who share the same flavor!



Everything I told so far, is the “Journey” of a traveller chasing after a legendary flavor.


And in this journey, NIN is our Turkish flagged ship sailing to become a global brand in open waters…


With my deepest regards


Zafer Hacıosmanoğlu

Chairman of the Board


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